The present is but a comma between the past and the future.
There are three things difficult to control - madness, anger and love. And once you think you've learned to control them, you'll find that you actually lost love and gained the other two.

And the moral of the story - have a little madness in your life.
I have always found it an incredibly detrimental idea to lie about time. Time has this unique trait - it retaliates tenfold against those claiming, consciously or not, that they lack time when they really don't. Always avoid excuses involving time, unless convinced that you're right. Always speak the truth. Always be true to others and to your motivations.
Though the mills of God grind slowly,
Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting,
With exactness grinds He all.
 Retribution by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Disproportionate distribution of feelings makes for too little love for others and too much of a pitiful life. Care for any help?
One interesting thing about those serving as models in our society is that they tend to belong to those classes most highly revered. Change the perception on social classes and voilĂ ! New idols.
Is it really by mere chance that people stumble upon the same things in a relatively short period of time?
Emotions tone down. All I'm left with are feelings and passions, but at least they're as strong as ever. Some no longer have any left in them.
Have you ever noticed how groups of people repeat themselves, as if by some sort of local social pattern?